Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Chemical Conversions

Chemical ConversionsChemicals and the conversion process is a very broad subject and there are several different types of chemistry conversions. Here is a list of some common conversions.The chemical symbols are standardized in some countries like US, UK, Canada and Australia but in the United States 's shorthand system of symbols, unlike other countries, uses the Latin alphabet for naming the compounds. So if you're using 'F-Ray' as an abbreviation for such chemicals you would find it like 'F' to be followed by 'Ray'R' by an 'A'. For example, an element that is anhydrous means that it's hydrated with water so if you're converting from the traditional symbol for the compound it would be 'H2O'.Other chemicals have 'intermediate' forms. The molecules for those kinds of compounds are chemically simpler than the original compounds. This is because they can usually be created with a few additional chemicals so it makes the compounds cheaper to produce.Ionic bonding between molecules takes place when an electron moves from one side of a molecule to the other. As an example, the nitrogen atom of a gas molecule is negatively charged whereas the oxygen is positively charged.An element or group of elements is named according to its number. Thus Oxygen is an element because it has nine protons in its nucleus.Water is another kind of molecule that has a fixed number of electrons and occupies a certain amount of space in the three dimensional environment. Other examples of gases are molecules of nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen, which are referred to as the 'oxygenated' gases and they can be compressed into two or more 'concentric' volumes.Hydrogen atoms are strongly attracted to positively charged hydrogen bonds and so atoms of hydrogen are very dense and react very strongly when they come into contact with a negatively charged oxygen atom. This makes hydrogen from a highly reactive element.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Easy Tips for Acing the NCLEX RN Exam - Private Tutoring

Easy Tips for Acing the NCLEX RN Exam BobbiM May 11, 2015 Image courtesy of and stockimage Being a nursing student is already tough but being a registered nurse is an even a tougher battle to conquer. What makes the licensing exam a lot more difficult is the fact that it incorporates four years of nursing education into a set of test questions. Plus, passing or acing this test requires achieving an exceptionally high score. Check Out Our Top Rated Nursing Tutors to Help with Exams and Courses! If your goal is to pass the NCLEX, you need more than the textbook basics. In fact, it is recommended that you cover several subjects in depth and with a variety of resource aids if you really want to get the score you need. To help you out, here are some simple, yet effective, ways you can get great help for passing the NCLEX. Enroll in a Review Course There are actually many review courses available today. Aspiring nurses get to choose between online courses or classroom review courses. These classes provide the exam taker with various educational resources that can be useful for him or her. Such resources include sample questions and guidebooks. Additionally, they also provide classroom teaching for those that choose that option which helps students to determine the rationale behind the answers to the tests questions. If you have the time and interest, this might be a great starting place! Hire A Private NCLEX Tutor One of the best ways to prepare for this kind of exam is to seek help from the professionals. This is the reason why NCLEX tutoring has become quite popular nowadays. The best thing about working with a tutor is the fact that they can determine your weaknesses and help you turn those into your strengths. Finding an NCLEX tutor is recommended for those people who would prefer receiving individualized instruction.  In addition to the focused individualized attention, private NCLEX tutors also work on your timeframe and schedule which is really helpful if you are cramming last minute or have just identified an area that needs extra attention. You can opt for in home tutorial services, online or at learning centers.    Choose which of these options would be most effective for you.  For ease of use and less stress, having your own private tutor can make a world of difference! Image courtesy of and hywards Find A Study Buddy Studying alone can be quite boring. Plus, it can get really tedious as well. To combat such issues, the best thing that you can do is to find a study buddy. This is an inexpensive and a convenient way of preparing for the big test. If you have any friends who will be taking the exam too, study with them. You can help encourage and keep each other motivated throughout your review season.  Having someone else that is in the same boat is a way of being held accountable which can be a pretty strong motivator. Make Sure to Have the Right  Study and Training Resources In exams like these, the more resources that you have, the better. Any and all study guides, books or training material that you have collected over the years can come in handy. Check with others that know this test and subject and ask for insight into tools they used to prepare for this exam. Everyone learns differently and making sure that you have what you need to prepare is critical for success. As mentioned above, passing and acing the NCLEX is a tough job to tackle but it is not at all impossible.  Try a couple of the suggestions mentioned above and prepare to spend the time required and you may well be surprised at how well you do on this exam! Good luck on this last step in becoming a nurse! If you enjoyed this post, please pin it to Pinterest, share it on Twitter or Facebook or stumble it on Stumbleupon!  Share buttons are below!  Thanks ~ You Might Also Enjoy: 4 Basic Principles of Problem Solving

Uniqueness 7 Ways to Build a Personal Brand in College

Uniqueness 7 Ways to Build a Personal Brand in College Personal branding is increasing in importance. In her article,  â€œPersonal Branding Tips for College Students,”  Susan Chritton said that in the past students who went to college found jobs very easily after graduation, but college students today face competition from other college graduates with experience, non-college graduates with experience and older people in the workforce; this makes entering the workforce more difficult, increasing the immediate need for personal branding. Start building your personal brand now by adhering to the following tips. 1. Understand your career goals and aspirations. Think about what you want to do with your future. Where do you see yourself down the road? At least have an idea of what you are hoping to do in your career. Think about your  aspirations. How can you attain these? Take some time to think through what sort of mark you want to make on the world; this will help orient you to the way you want your personal brand to look. 2. See yourself through a different set of eyes. How do people  perceive you? Try to look at the way you act, speak and dress through the eyes of those around you. Who are you hanging out with on the weekends? What are you posting on social media sites? Did you dress like you wanted to go to class this morning? Part of building your personal brand lies in the way others will accept that brand. Remember, professionals and  employers will judge you  based on how you live your daily life, what you put on the internet and how you conduct yourself in society. “Branding yourself is just putting yourself out there and people responding well to it,” said O’Shea, “so make yourself a kind of product that you want to be around.” Start living a little more professionally and strengthen your personal brand. 3. Find what makes you unique. Though employers are judging the decisions you make, they also look for candidates who are unique. One of the first things to do when building your brand is to understand  what makes you unique; why are you different from the other students in your major or from other people in general? Think about your internships, travel abroad experiences, the languages you speak and any  special projects you’ve done. You can think about volunteer work or special skills you have and any awards you may have received as well. What makes you, you? When you figure out how you are unique and use it to your advantage, you will develop a useful personal brand that will help make you known in the world. 4. Build a strong skill set. While you are in college to learn within a specific major, you should also try to learn about anything else you can before you graduate. “I think [students] should be well-rounded,” said Doak, “and as experienced in the field they’re looking at as they can.” Whether these skills are academic, professional, social or otherwise, the more skills you can become an expert on, the  more credible you become. Credibility is very important in building your personal brand; the more credible you are, the more likely an employer will feel they can trust you and the more skills you can offer to a job. 5. Become an internet guru. Social media is largely becoming a part of the work world, and it is thus important to know how to use it professionally. Social media is also a great outlet to show off your personality. “Have a personality that people respond well to, whether it’s a class or going out somewhere or just hanging out with friends, and have different avenues for it like Twitter or blogging,” said O’Shea. Learn how to use social media  such as Twitter and Facebook to follow and like companies you’re interested inâ€"they may post job offerings or other useful career information. Using social media professionally will strengthen your personal brand by getting your name and information on the internet for potential employers to see. The caveat is that you have to be mindful of what you post; what would you want an employer to see? What would be terrible for them to see?  Remove inappropriate material from your social media sites to ensure your online presence is professional. In addition, blogging is a great way to build your personal brand. Blogging about a topic that interests you is a great way to showcase your personality and writing skills. Share your blog via social media to get your name spread. Your personal brand is about putting yourself out there and getting an edge on those who are not doing so. 6. Keep networking. You may not realize that you are probably already networking. Any time you talk to someone in class, join a new organization or sit next to someone on the bus, there is potential for networking. Networking with professionals is a fantastic way to get your name into the professional world. Make sure to network with  any and everyone you can, however; you never know who will be the connection to your dream career. This includes networking with your parents’ friends, your friends’ parents, past employers, coaches, and  other people who know you well. The more you network, the more connections you will have that know about and can talk about you. Also check out  LinkedIn, a site built for networking. 7. Create documents to display your personal brand. Highlight your uniqueness  through different documents. After you have a grip on your personal brand, create documents that will help other people to  understand who you are. Use your resume and cover letter to stand out by highlighting what makes you unique compared to other candidates. Craft business cards with your name and specialty to pass out to friends and employers. Follow these tips to get started on creating and strengthening your personal brand. Stand out among other job applicants and show your personality, uniqueness, skills and online presence through personal branding. If you have your own tips for building a personal brand in college, feel free to leave them in the comments below.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Newsletter November 2012

Newsletter November 2012 Thanksgiving Day is coming very soon and the anticipation of meeting old friends and tasting baked turkey excites our minds. On the eve of this amazing holiday we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our tutors, parents and students for their support and trust. We wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving Day! On this occasion we invite you to visit our blog where we prepared a special article with some interesting Thanksgiving facts which may help to get into the mood for the oncoming holiday. As usually, we would like to share with our readers TutorZ most recent news and updates. Find me a tutor Featured Tutors Lewis   Elgin, IL Teaches: Math,  Algebra, Numerical Analysis, Probability, French, ESL, Accounting, Finance, Business Management, Economics, Social Sciences, Computer Programming, SEO Expert Math and Economics Tutor. Lewis offers 10 years of college credit, a BA in Economics and International Relations with Honors, record-breaking triple course loads, perfect 5/5 star ratings tutoring students in-person and online, and strong recommendations. Shefali   New Hyde Park, NY Teaches: Chemistry,  Biology,  Algebra,  History,  Sociology, English,  Creative Writing, GED,  CLEP,  Geography, Meteorology,  Drawing I work in the field of education and my belief is that anyone who wants help deserves help and with patience, effort, and dedication, he or she can achieve his or her goals. Jon-Erik    Fort Lauderdale, FL Teaches:  Chemistry, Physics, Math, Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Differential Equations, Computer Programming, Mechanical Engineering, Thermodynamics, FCAT, PSAT, GED I put my students as a first priority and will stop at nothing to make them successful. I make myself available to my students if they have any questions, because there are times when a problem just needs to be clarified. Jennifer Palm Harbor, FL Teaches:  Geography, History, Biology, Science, Public Speaking, Grammar, Reading, Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, ACT, SAT, GED, PRAXIS, Study Skills I specialize in making concepts clear and meaningful by adapting my tutoring to each students individual learning style. Igor Ansonia, CT Teaches: Chemistry, Science, Math, Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry Im looking forward to helping you or your child overcome all educational hurdles! In college, I tutored on all levels working as a Calculus and Chemistry tutor at UConns QCenter. Steven San Diego, CA Teaches: Computer, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Accounting, Quicken, Business Administration, Math, Numerical Analysis,  Science, Geography There is no job too big or too small, and I am happy to share my knowledge! Read with TutorZ Best Articles from our Blog We invite tutors, parents and students to enjoy our articles on some interesting education-related topics: Boise â€" The Greenbelted Education Capital of Idaho  The city of Boise is not only the the state’s capital and largest city, but it is also the most populated city in Idaho with over 200,000 residents. It is a big education, cultural, economic, high-tech and research center of Idaho. At the same time, Boise’s rich natural resources have always been a major distinctive feature of this area and that has found a reflection in the the name of the city. “Boise” means “wooded” in French, that is why Boise is also called The City of Trees. How to Succeed at Math Without Really Crying  I guess it was about six or seven years ago that I first met him. He was sitting a couple of seats behind me in the row to my right. I was in the front row. I almost always sat in the front in those classes, the really difficult ones. I needed all the advantages I could get. I believe the class was called “Automata”. I think it was classified as a math course, sort of. Let’s just say I was lost from the moment I sat down in the chair Hurricane Sandy: The Superstorm â€" a Disaster or a Lesson to Learn  Nature was rigorous with the inhabitants of the eastern United States during last two weeks. Barely more than a week after monster hurricane Sandy hit the region a warning about another approaching storm, a northeaster, was announced. These disasters caused extensive damage and it will take years to recover from the losses. However, that which does not kill us makes us stronger and it is important to draw lessons from any life experience. Interesting Halloween Facts  Halloween is one of the most exciting holidays celebrated by both adults and children on October 31st every year. It’s a time when miracles are possible and all disbelief is suspended. It’s a day for celebration, for magic, for funny tricks, for scary stories and for family. Here are some Halloween fascinating facts which might be new for you. New Video on TutorZ Youtube Channel Continue to learn Spanish words and word combinations for traveling with our fifth video of our series Spanish Traveller Basic Lesson. Spanish Basics Part 5 Spanish is spoken by more than 300 million people worldwide, and is the official or national language in a number of countries. It is widely spoken in Los Angeles, Miami, New York, and San Antonio, among other cities, and is used officially as a second language in the state of New Mexico. In this video, we have converted English basic words to Spanish which are useful at the time of traveling. We wish all tutors, parents and students  a Happy and Joyful Thanksgiving! Sincerely, The Team Email: Phone: (805) 288-7338

Advantages of Becoming a Tutor

Advantages of Becoming a Tutor Different people might have different motivation for entering the private tutoring world. Here I will expose some of the benefits of tutoring that are considered most important. Free schedule. This is perhaps the main advantage of becoming a Tutor. There will be more time to pay attention to your family. You will be able to go on vacation whenever  you want, even 2 or 3 times a year and not when the boss lets you go. Life will stop just passing by. You will have  enough  time for reading, self-development, rest and for household chores. Good sleep. Especially Owl-type (those, who goes to sleep late and wakes up late) persons will understand me. Doctors have found out that this  behavior  can not be cured, but nevertheless, the world continues living according to the early bird schedule. No transport problems. For those who live in big cities, there is an advantage of avoiding trips in public transport, which looks more like a race to the bottom. But of course it applies if you invite students to your home. But even if you are a visiting Tutor, you can compose a special itinerary in order to avoid the rush hour. Healthy lifestyle. You can always have a home-cooked meal, not just a cold snack or a sandwich. Eating at home is a significant savings. Your budget will thank you. Tutor can choose a student. So the stress can be minimized. There is no such option in school (University, Collage, Institute). You cannot say to a bad behaved student: That’s it! I will teach you no more! And if you are a Tutor you are free to decide. Your income will depend only on you. Tutoring is a very well paid job, depending on your experience, professionalism and the ability to promote your services (for example placing your profile in a popular and specialized site) Tutor  chooses  methods and learning style himself. There is no need to adjust to the school or collage  program. No Boss. Tutor’s job is an individual work. No comments needed, I think. This advantage is a great relief. The economical crisis will not scare you anymore. Tutoring is always in demand. Especially now when  educational requirements in Schools, Collage and Universities became more strict now is a golden age for Tutors. In a career of a Tutor, the age is an advantage, not a heavy burden. Since it means experience and quality in the educational process. There are many more good reasons, I would kindly appreciate if you add some in the comments.

4 Ways to Help Students Feel Great About Math - TutorNerds

4 Ways to Help Students Feel Great About Math - TutorNerds Tips From a Fullerton Math Tutor: 4 Ways to Help Students Feel Great About Math Many students struggle with core subjects such as math. Its very normal because math is a tough subject and concepts build upon one another constantly so if the student becomes confused at one point in the process anything after that will be harder. Many students also become stressed out over academic subjects and try to avoid doing them, inadvertently making the situation worse. Its important for students to overcome their issues with numbers so they can be successful and also open the door to any number of career fields that involve calculations. 1. De-stress the environment Many students get stressed out over math because the concepts are introduced too quickly or because there are too many steps to a particular problem. One of the best ways for students to tackle this is to de-stress the study environment, so they enjoy learning about numbers and calculations. Students can talk to their teacher about extending deadlines or work with a tutor who will explain tough concepts. Students should also sit down to complete math homework when theyre not distracted by other assignments and when their minds are energized so they can focus on the difficult task at hand our private Fullerton math tutors are her to help. 2. Get extra help Many students are talented at math but just need a little bit of extra time to learn the concepts and formulas. Many students who work with a private tutor learn to work around their weaknesses and become stronger math students over time. Students can work with a tutor every week to stay on track, or they can just get help studying for midterms and finals to avoid unnecessary anxiety. Additionally, when students work with a one-on-one tutor in the comfort of their home, they have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify information they may not be comfortable asking in the classroom (READ: 5 Fun Projects to Get Your Kids Interested in Math). 3. Take it one step at a time Many calculations have multiple steps, which becomes overwhelming very quickly. If a challenging calculation has ten steps until the problem is completed the student may feel that its too much for them to handle but if they take the steps one at a time, its just ten one-step math problems. Once students figure this out, they’re often less nervous about math assignments and quizzes. Of course, multiple-step problems take a lot of patience and students will need to give 100% of their concentration to the exam or assignment but they should be able to improve significantly over time. 4. Receive positive feedback When students are struggling with a tough subject like math they often hear negative comments about their abilities left and right. This can lower a student’s self-esteem and make them want to avoid math forever. Its essential for students to know that theyre doing well in certain areas of math and that they are improving. Students should be told positive things about the problems they consistently get right and should be praised for their efforts even if they dont see immediate improvement. If a math student has dedicated two hours a week to work with a tutor or 30 minutes a day to practice memorizing formulas, they’re making a huge commitment to their education and should be reminded that they have a great work ethic and their efforts are paying off in one way or another. Struggling in math? Our private Fullerton math tutoring will help you get back on track with your math studies. Call us today for more information on our experienced Fullerton math tutors. Great news, Orange County! We’ve launched to offer the best online and in-home tutoring in SoCal. Get 50% off your first online or in-home tutoring session with code: SUCCESS. The code is for a limited time only, so book your tutor today! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Hiring A Game Tutor Or A Babysitter

Hiring A Game Tutor Or A BabysitterWhen you are looking for a new babysitter or a teacher, hiring a babysitter or teacher can be very difficult to do. If you are not very familiar with the person that you want to hire, it is going to be very hard to find someone that you really want to take care of your child or your children, and even if you were to find someone, it is going to be a bit of a difficult task to get them to your door.This is why hiring a perfect babysitter or teacher can be so important, because it can mean that you can actually help to ensure that your children have a great experience while they are with a new teacher or a new babysitter. There are many different types of people that you can hire to help with the children, from experienced teachers to professional babysitters. Each of these different options comes with its own unique set of problems.For example, you could decide to hire a teacher that is going to be there during the school year or a year-round teacher . This means that you are going to have a set schedule where you know that you are going to have a teacher come every week or every other week, and you will know exactly when they are going to be coming and it will be quite convenient for you to come and go as you please. However, this does have its benefits as well. First of all, you will get a lot more time with your child, which is a good thing to have, but it also means that you will get more assistance with things like child development as well.You can either choose to hire a full-time childcare provider or you can choose to hire a single parent, a daycare or a family-style system where you are going to have multiple teachers working in a day. Either one of these can work, but there are benefits and disadvantages to each one of them, and you should weigh out the pros and cons and decide what is best for you.If you are looking for the perfect game tutor or babysitter, there are several things that you will want to think about. F irst of all, is the tutor going to be willing to teach at all? While a full-time teacher can be a great thing, some students can simply not handle it and you will have to consider all of the different choices that you have before you make a decision.The second great thing is that if you are going to hire a babysitter for a couple of hours, then you are able to work outside of the home and you can actually schedule your family around that. If you are able to schedule your family around the tutor that you have, then it is going to be much easier for you to see your children. Then again, this can work both ways as well, because if the tutor is not able to work well within the family, then they are not going to be able to make it as well, and they may not have as much patience with the child.The main thing that you will want to keep in mind is that when you are looking for a game tutor or a babysitter, it is going to be important to keep some things in mind. You will need to think about their experience and their teaching ability, as well as whether or not they are going to be flexible with the schedule that you have set up for yourself.